Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First Week in the Peru MTC

So lots has happend and I have learned so much.  We have a Latino
companion and a north American companion. Basically the Latino companion
is to learn Spanish during lunch hour and bed times because I'm always
with my north American one who is from Alta. Elder Morton. My Latino
comp is from Cuzco and is Elder Garcia. We teach TRC together and that is

hard to plan for together and I think this Saturday we are going out
together to teach non active members. No sé. 

The food is amazing butmy stomach doesn't like it so much. And couple
 days ago some missionary got pretty sick, like vomiting. But I'm fine that way.
It is so pretty here and supper hot. So today is p day of course and we went to the
temple. Super pretty building you should look it up. And we take a bus
and it is more thrilling than Disneyland rides! so after, we got to go
around and shop in some places. lI got some scripture covers and
also a sweet tie that is jazz retro purple colors!

I got to figue outhow to send pictures to show all of you. My enter
button doesn't work... it is way hard in class because the teachers just teach in
Spanish. I feel like I progress more outside of class but whatever God
has a plan, right.  Beside the language barrier, everything is great.
And I love playing futbol here. They have like the nicest field in Peru
I think, for real. There was something else i wanted to say but i don't
have time to think about it... oh I already have more color (tan) in

my face! Officially in the missionary tanning booth!  

Sunday is the best here of course. We get to study so much and every class is in
Spanish. But a video we watched wasn't and Elder Holland said something
cool. "Tell me how your obedience is and i will tell you how your
mission will be." I really believe in that so I am doing my best! A way
cool scripture that one of the elders that I traveled with showed me
was Alma 17.13.  It pretty much said what we were doing when we got off
the plane. Going our separate ways for the ones going to the field and
some to the ccm (mtc). It was pretty awesome.  

It really is to bad I can only write once a week because so many awesome 
things happen but by the time I can write I forget them and there is no time 
to search my journal for them! ha ha but here is a way funny joke in Spanish. 
So Chase you will probably laugh. What is the difference  between a pear
and a piña (girlfriend of a missionary), one is a pear and the other
no is pear! ( no wait) it is really funny here. We always laugh at it.
I wish I could have read more about that house you were talking about
but I'll try after. So about my district missionaries in Provo. Ya they
are all great and all wanted to write you. They really appreciated the
packages ha ha.  Any way talk to you soon and see you in a little. It now
marks one month. But who is counting. Something cool when we teach
our "investigators" time fly's so I'm not surprised why the mission goes
by so fast I cant wait. So far I love the people here. So humble.  

Love you,  
 E. Montgomery

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Conference Week

First off yes I have seen elder Archuleta and no I did not get the opportunity to sing in the choir. Yes I think he may have gotten special treatment since he came a week after me and still got to sing, but duh!!

So there are a ton of things to talk about, first conference. I read Ryan's letter about writing down your question ( this was after conference) and I thought that was my problem I forgot to write it down, I didn't feel like I got my answer. Later yesterday I was going through my notebook of my thoughts that I have through out the day and I found that I did write it down! I was supper stoked! I then proceeded to go over my notes to see if I may have missed my answer.There it was. I wrote even in bold lettering! I knew my answer would come I had such faith in it and prayed so much for it so you can see why I felt down when I didn't think I got it.

My favorite talk was Elder Holland's. I love that parable, always have and now I see if from even a better perspective! I also saw a common theme in priesthood. I don't remember what was said, but I remember the feelings. I think that's what its all about. Especially on a mission- they don't care what you say or how you say it. They become converted by their feelings.

So we got our travel plans next week and we leave next Tuesday the 10th I think. At like 9:30. I think I can call home. It's kinda scary cuz I've only been here for less than three weeks by then. And ill miss the packages mom. But we have not heard anything about our visas. Mom I think every one on our floor wants you to send more bread. It was gone the night I opened it. And they would probably want you to keep sending some even when I leave. hahaha. It was awesome tho.

A dumb thought came to me this morning. After shaving every day for 2years, I better come back with the best beard!!I've had some hard things hit me this past week but it usually last only for the evening. I think I'm a little overwhelmed with how much we still have to learn and to leave this mtc for another country. I heard they contact there at the mtc and i don't think my Spanish is ready for that. I have learned so much. In elder Ty Bartlett's words. I've learned so much shiz these past weeks. In the gospel and Spanish! The devo's and firesides are the best! The seats sucK way bad but you get over it pretty fast. I always feel so pumped and ready to go after! Last night a member of the 70, Elder Wickman told a story about a fox whole while he was in the army. I wont tell the story but basically do it right the first time. When we are told to do something and we don't quite understand why, who ever told us to do it probably does. Especially with promptings. The big man knows whats up! I've learned that answers often come through scriptures that the spirit brings to our mind. we need to fill our filing cabinet so our little secretary can pull from it and communicate with us!

Anyway my next letter wiLL hopefully be from out of the country. I hope and know all is well and that I need not worry about things at home. Elder Wickman said. ' do you think after serving the lord fully for 2, the lord will let you down?" I know he wont. What ever is his will. I love all of you and talk to you soon!

e. montgomery